5 Art Journaling Inspirations to Help Cure Your Wanderlust

Wanderlust – the strong desire to travel. When that travel bug hits you, you can become endlessly jittery –especially if you don’t have any upcoming trips planned. As art journaling is all about getting creative to express yourself, it can be a great way to temporarily satisfy your craving to travel. Here are 5 different ideas for art journaling pages that instantly take you to an adventurous place.


"Something Tookish woke up inside him and he wished to go and see the great mountains and hear the pine trees, and the waterfalls and explore the caves and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick"           - J.R.R. Tolkein
“Something Tookish woke up inside him and he wished to go and see the great mountains and hear the pine trees, and the waterfalls and explore the caves and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick”
– J.R.R. Tolkein

Everyone has a favourite story that inspires them to go out experience the world around them. For me this is J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit – the story of an initially homestuck hobbit who goes on a grand adventure after having a spark of curiosity lit inside of him.

Grab a quote from your favourite adventure story that encompasses what you like about it and stick it in your art journal. Set it against a backdrop of an image that reminds you of the story to be instantly taken back to that magical place each time you look at it.


Wise words from the very travel-wise Anthony Bourdain.
Wise words from the very travel-wise Anthony Bourdain.

Sometimes you find quotes that say exactly what you feel but more eloquently. Quotes that hit you in the feels are a great addition to your art journal. I like to set longer quotes next to a simple picture to keep the focus of the page on the words themselves.


Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress adventure.           - Dumbledore
Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress adventure.
– Dumbledore

Some quotes are so perfect they stand alone without any images. To put the ultimate focus on the words, set them against a simple background in a contrasting colour. I used individual letter stamps in white acrylic paint to create this tumblr-esque typography.


Your feet will take you where your heart is - Irish Proverb
Your feet will take you where your heart is
– Irish Proverb

Proverbs are memorable for a reason – their short and sweet words have timeless relevance and can often have a powerful impact on our souls. I set this Irish proverb against a basic Irish scene to keep it simple and themed. Every time I see this page I’m instantly reminded of my times spent in Ireland and finding my soul amongst the rolling hills.


"In the world through which I travel I am endlessly creating myself"
“In the world through which I travel I am endlessly creating myself”

This quote basically sums up travelling for me in a nut shell. Travelling is good for your soul and mind. There is nothing like travelling that can help you recenter your sense of self and life priorities.

Always be brave and get creative with your lettering. This draws attention to the words and makes them their own pieces of art. I set these words next to a very abstract painting of a memory from one of my trips that really encompasses to me personally the way I feel when I read this quote. By making scenery more abstract, you don’t need to be overly talented in painting, (which is great for me), and art journaling is all about what something means to you so who cares if it’s not really recognizable to anyone else.

Hopefully these pages have inspired you to go and create your own wanderlust satisfying pages!

Happy Journaling!


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